Big Pharma backed....
Monday, May 29, 2017
5-29-17 data dump johanne's e-mails to/from the oppresive regime who kidnapped my family.....
Johannes Ayres
This is an e mail attempt at regaining sscommunications. I will be calling 705 2171 at 12:00. Please do not hang up onrdl me today. Itee is not helpful to me or you. If you need to get a handle on your anger management issues I can help. You sayed something about your boundaries when you hung up and something about "I don't give the orders!!!!!!" Sounds like control worries......your bro, John
Robert Ayres
Sans Serif
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Johannes Ayres
The intent of this letter is to summarize the on-site conversation regarding rental of space at 800 Pine Street, Oakland,
that took place on Wednesday afternoon, August 17, between Jay (owner) and Robert and John Ayres (on behalf
of Metaversal renters group). This is not intended to be bindinding in any way,
but rather a simple summary of the key aspects of the hoped for rental.
There are two spaces in the building that are the subjects of this letter.
The first, Space #8, consists of two adjacent rooms joined by a short hallway.
It was described by Jay as approximately 450 square feet in area and the
asked for price is $1,200 per month. The second space, Space #14, consists of a
larger space, of approximately 2300 square feet, which includes a kitchen and a
bathroom with shower. The asked for monthly rental price is $2,300. Rental of
either space requires a deposit of one months rent.
Renters would like to move ahead with rental of space #8, for an interim period
from September 12th to October 1st, at which time they would like to move to space #14.
Jay stated that space 14 was now vacant and there was some work to be done prior to it's
occupancy by renters, that would be completed by October 1st.
Robert Ayres
Johannes Ayres
to Joanne,
Dear Family,
For the last three months I have been in a horrible state. I do not want to sound
like a broken record, but I have been silenced, marginalized, and thrown into a state
of abject poverty by the events surrounding the afternoon of August 15th. As you know,
I have strong feelings about the legitimacy of the T.R.O. but never the less I have tryed
to abide by the terms of it. What choice did I have. While I completely agree with everything
that Mom put forth in her section of the complaint, almost everything else in it was false,
and the over all picture it paints of me is nothing more than a projection of others negative
feelings about me. I encourage you to re-read that document. The judge would have thrown it
out, had I had my day in court. I made a mistake by pleading "No Contest" at the first trial
three years ago, and just as my public defender warned me, this would return to bite me in the ass.The result of this series of events is that my point of view about everything has been silenced, and as a result, the months of hard work I put into freeing Brittany from her horrible situationat the Telecare facility during the first 3 months of 2016 have been for nothing. She was sent back there not knowing what had happened, and if she only told the hospital what she perceived to have happened it would have been enough for them to continue with their lobotomization by chemical means that she was recovering from in April when I won her release. I feel, ironically, that everythingleveled against me has been a projection of your feelings about me. I have been held hostage, tortured by an inability
to do anything to assist the person I committed to helping, while she and I have been marginalizedas not human beings but rather labels..,ie: homeless, mentally ill, abusive... this is how facist idealogies are put forward, it is how Trump won the election, it was how 6 million jews were exterminated in the holocaust...actual human beings reduced to labels, statistics....this will probably sound like an exaggeration to you,but it's how the human brain is wired to hold on to only one reality at a time....Now that I have been allowed to speak, some what, there is only one thing i need to do, and that is everything possible to make sure that the damage to my friends life, brain, etc...,. is I hope that if you really
want to help me, I know you don't care about her, but please understand that at least one person cares, and it's the least I can do in this lifetimeto be that person... she told me once ..."Johannes your the nicest person I ever met" I felt proud to be that person. I remember growing up when the abused kid across the street kurt Zucksworth felt the same way about Bobby, and how proud I was that he was that person. Anyway, so now you know where all my focus is going to go...If you can assist in anyway,
I know you will feel better about yourselves in the long run....
Robert Ayres
to me
Hi John, I just received a letter from the Social Security Administration asking you to an appointment at their Walnut Creek offices on December 20, 2016 at 10:30 am. This will be to determine if you're still eligible to receive SSI. We went to this annual appointment together last year at this time and I'd be happy to go with you again this year. Please put this on your calendar. Bob
Bob Ayres
Ashland OR 97520
Move to Inbox
28 of 39
(no subject)
Johannes Ayres
So for reasons of brevity, here we are at e mail.
e-mail and can used to communicate. so........
There doesn't seem to be in any operating system a case were less communication is a good thing. And everything now is alot more than one imagined it would be.... All today's woes have been the result of communication absences. In retro spect all your behavioral issues will make sense, will seem to be justified but what everyone will wonder is "What where they doing instead when they should have been doing.....?" What they should have been doing was communicating more, not less..... that's all i will say on today's bit of attitude from my brother, the link between all communication between Joanne and John for three years??? You can't even communicate the important information on a daily basis. I suggest... here it is BAM.. call me a terrorist, but i am a terrorist if a bag of evil fuzzy bunny rabbits.. here for, again for reasons of brevity, are three things the state would like you not to know
Brittany Meosha Harris is the biological daughter of April Dawn Torterello and John Ryan Ayres , and was conceived in Burghdorf, Idaho while we we're vacationing at the time...I was was unaware of this until 2004 when I was told about her existence, and only told recently it was Brittany.
Number Two: During the first 4 months of this year when you and mom were helping me find a place while I had my hernia operation and was figh ting Telecare for Brit's release, I made a documentary as I went along...You remember... no i'll bet you don't, so to clear up a massive amount of misinformation you guys have been putting forth since then, why don't you watch it on Youtube it is called WHAT A DIFFERENCE A FRIEND MAKEs PART oNE"
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Robert Ayres
to me
After upload the program said that 4 of 4984 files failed to upload... no way of knowing which 4!!
So if you find that you can't find a file it may be one of those... and we should still have it in the master folder
Bob Ayres
Ashland OR 97520
Attachments area
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Johannes Ayres
to, Joanne
I believe that under the conditions I am surviving in I can do barely just that. Things are not easy for the person who is at survival mode, as the energy and resources are available to only survive. Thusly it becomes virtually impossible to get a leg up, so to speak, and get to the next level. Ridunculous examples could follow, if required. So I will start once again to give a purchase by purchase account of the funds made available to me, keeping in mind, I really need help to get that leg up. Or more accurately, we (Johannes, Brittany, Zola) really need to get a leg up. Never mind how we got here. Any energy spent figuring that out is surely wasteful. The living space offers I have been accumulating are to the best of knowledge in accordance to the conditions in which Mom has offered to help with, and should be considered with the idea that Brittany and I have an agreement to “cover each others backs” as far living under the socio/economical circumstances that we do.
Today’s output: 5.00 dollars for bagel and coffee at starbucks from a twenty I got at the bank after getting my new card. (Thanks Mom for the pizza and coffee and if I wasn’t in such a befuddled state when I got them, I would have seen that they would have succedded in taking care of my immediate needs, but never the less it requires a purchase at the only available electricity and/or internet during day light hours ie: Starbucks…. I will use another 5.00 to get a new YMCA card, if in fact there is time to go over to the ymca after this, now daily, struggle to keep up with survival needs….. as a matter of fact this letter it self , I see has taken, just to this point an hour to write, an hour which could have been spent: looking for an apartment, seeing if Brittany is still alive, etc, etc….. so now so as to not have wasted a valuable hours work, I had better summarize and make my point….. my phone bill is 45.00 I have 20 in my account, and those bills keep piling in….so I am requesting a brief period whereI don’t have to worry about the repurcussions of the fire that destroyed my sleeping bag mattress, shoulder bag and left everything I own smelling live burned plastic and focus on the immediate future…… like an apartment….. sorry for the cyclic, crazy sound of this e-mail but it Illustrates what THEY MEAN WHEN THEY SAY KEEP ME RUNNING IN CIRCLES
since mom said no more than one half hour i would like to split that into two
15 minute calls.....with the following to be read before the first call so i don't need to include it... it will also give the over all Point of view the this first call
will encompass......i hope this is satisfactory....
The word Metaversal : literal meaning Multiple Points of View seen as a whole.
Universe in this context represents the sum of all points of view and could be said represent the under lying objective truth, free from points of view. Science still cannot prove that this “Universal, or Objective reality exists” because who would be making that observation?
For the sake of brevity, let me say that this “Metaversal” concept of reality not only contains the concept of Universe within itself, but also is the basis of everything I hold to be true. So…
I am going to have present the information I have in two different forms, and since at the actuall time of the events I am discussing, the world view was said to be retrograde (or backward) the understanding of the information must be presented in the same order. That being said the first part which follows is about now and the future and is as close to the objective truth as I can get… so…..
Keeping in mind at this point in time Saturday the 29th of October I take full responsibility for everything I am about to say. You are not responsible for what happens to Brittany. As a matter of fact, I know for sure, even without talking to her for two months that Brittany feels only gratitude to you for everything you have done for her, you are her NaNa , because you are the only Nana she has ever know…I follow her lead in this regard, and can’t thank you enough letting me stay at your house while I worked very very hard at the daunting task I had at hand.. I remember sharing with you my fears that I had never faced a more powerful advisary as Telecare’s Army of Lawyers, or as I called them a cabal of schisters and quacks”. Brittany doesn’t know how hard you worked in helping me get a secure place for her rehabilitation after her ordeal…the boat, the office, she did appreciate the motel room and that is why she was a afraid to move and actually paid her own money after it couldn’t be paid for by you anymore…. That was the pressure that sent her back in April after only one month. During that first month I was so busy trying to help that poor girl…she was not the same girl who went in..her metabolic system was damaged as I was convinced it would be,by Haldol and not only was she morbidly obese, it was out of her control..for a week after her release her skin was so bloated it looked like she was going to burst……it was clearly painfully so… they had given her a cocktail of other drugs to hide the devasting effects of Haldol..abnd to to it off, they mixed in the most addictive of the bunch, Lorazapam. I didn’t realize that the way I got her freed so pissed off her captors that they swore to her if she ever cameback they would keep her forever. I should have continued, not just threatened to sue, but actually stopped them from doing this again. Now about Patient X who I met by chance last week….. please call me so i can start from here.....
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Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2016 02:19:13 -0700
Subject: show steve
From: Johannes Ayres
To:, johanna faust
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Types of Abuse of Brittany Harris by the Public Conservator
*Physical abuse includes:*
1. Medications used to restrain victim. Victim is experiencing
difficulty with working and verbal memory, attention, processing speed,
executive functioning, problem solving and logical thinking. This is a well
documented effect of this medication (see below). This is then being used
as the reason she is being involuntarily medicated – a catch 22 – this
constitutes psychological abuse as well.
*Cognition and Halidol 100% of patients on Haldol*
Cognition encompasses, for example, working and verbal memory,
attention, processing
speed, executive functioning, problem solving and logical thinking,
which are all
functions of the pre frontal cortex. Studies utilizing complex
neuropsychological tests
have demonstrated mild to moderate cognitive deficits among 75% of
The evaluation of data from 440 subjects who participated in the CATIE
study and took
Halidol resulted in a dose related worsening of alertness, working
memory, processing speed, verbal; memory, and abstract logical thinking,
especially beyond a D2 receptor blockade of
77% At least 10 additional studies confirm a deterioration of cognitive
function with increasing dosages. The adverse effect of haldol on cognitive
functioning due to an additional unintended blockade of acetylcholine
receptors was also investigated (Vinogradov et al., 2009). This study with
49 subjects shows a substantial negative impact related to Haldol
2. Victim is experiencing metabolic distress from the medication... she
has gained 40 lbs in the last 4 weeks. This too is a well documented effect
of this medication. (see below)
*Obesity (metabolic syndrome and diabetes), cardiovascular *
*diseases, sudden cardiac death 43% of patients on Haldol*
----- Message truncated -----
Johannes Ayres
Dear Bob, while there is alot for me to do, I am finding myself overwhelmed with the circumstances and hope you can arrange maybe a three way call with Mom and I. This is with the idea that healing is very much needed and I must confess to being prone to panic attacks lately because of my being so caught up in a defensive be honest I am scared sh#*less over certain things and it's not the time to be afraid. I do thank you for the computer, but in some ways it's just making it clearer than ever that I am not doing the things that make ....hope this makes some since... i need some help,even if it is just the encouragement that I am the person who i have worked hard to be my whole life and not the bad guy in a family who has given up dealing with things that are to stressful to talk about.... I am at The Small Wonder Cafe on Grand at Broadway. please get back to me soon...
Dear Team-mates,
We dropped the ball. The results are, as I've been trying to say, that I have been silenced, my opinions on any subjects, put on hold, and ironically, my arguments in regards to what is happening to me are the same for my situation as they are for Brittany, which is to say, the individuals who stand between Brittanies rights to be treated as a American, a human being , and not a statstic, (Telecare) and the individuals who stand between my right to be treated as an American, a human being and a statstic, (my family) are using the same argument, resulting in our marginalization and silencing and the only thing offered to Brittany and myself, is more time to come to the we will eventually be given our so called "day in court". This course of action has been, to me, the ultimate obstacle to forward movement, and will result in, as I repeatedly said, irrepairable damage to the individuals concerned ie: it will be regarded as a unforeseeable tragedy to the marginalized, ie: f only we could have seen the mistakes being made we would have done something about it. But I have been cursed by having to watch a slow motion train wreck in progress and no one hearing my warnings.....
THE TRUTH CANNOT WAIT 4 more days without permanent irrepairable damage..."
I guess you were right Johannes" will not put Humpty Dumpty together again.....
pretains to a similiar Alameda County Problem as the problem at Telecare....
Johannes Ayres
to, Joanne, a
Sex Traffickers Zero In On Alameda County's Assessment Center, Target Vulnerable Kids
The center in north Hayward is surrounded by hubs for exploiters and crime.
By Darwin BondGraham and Ali Winston
Between June 2014 and June 2016, there were more than 300 missing-person incidents reported to Hayward police for the address of the county Assessment Center.
click to enlarge
• Between June 2014 and June 2016, there were more than 300 missing-person incidents reported to Hayward police for the address of the county Assessment Center.
North Hayward in the early 2000s was a different place. Populated by mostly middle-class homeowners, the headquarters of the giant department chain Mervyns's kept hundreds of white-collar jobs in the area. The two main thoroughfares bisecting the neighborhood, Foothill and Mission boulevards, were lined with auto shops and restaurants. Nights were quiet and uneventful in this suburban environment.
In 2002, Alameda County officials picked north Hayward as the location for the region's Assessment Center, a facility where social workers could look after runaway kids, parentless children, and other youths who, for a variety of reasons, needed new homes and guardians. The center — housed in a leased, nondescript office building on Foothill — was designed as a temporary, safe space for children to stay for up to 24 hours.
But north Hayward changed for the worse. Mervyn's went bankrupt in 2008, just as the rest of the economy was crashing. The company's old headquarters became an empty graffiti magnet. The foreclosure crisis drove families from the neighborhood, leaving behind blighted houses and empty storefronts. The real median household income of the area plummeted from $72,593 in 1999 to just $43,937 in 2014, according to the U.S. Census.
Alongside these economic pains came an uptick in vice crime. Several hotels became hubs for sex workers and pimps. The streets of north Hayward became part of the East Bay's "tracks," areas known for outdoor sex work. Exploiters looking to traffic children in the underground sex economy also came to the area.
It was only a matter of time before these predators zeroed in on the county safe space for kids.
"The location of the Assessment Center is known to pimps," explained Denitza Popov, an Oakland resident whose 14-year-old daughter was taken to the center last March, after she ran away from home and refused to be reunited with her mom.
"It's crazy that [the county] is willing to keep it there."
According to Popov and Hayward police records, her daughter ran away from the center with a slightly older girl. They ended up at a nearby hotel, the Budget Inn on Foothill, where the older girl traded Popov's daughter to an exploiter for drugs.
Then, her daughter disappeared. When she was found, she returned to the center — but then ran away again.
She would escape from the center on multiple occasions over the next several months, each time taking up with an exploiter, who sold her to other men for sex or attempted to transport her to Los Angeles or Nevada to traffic her in other cities.
Popov claims that the experience of running from the center straight into the clutches of exploiters worsened her daughter's psychological problems.
Government officials are aware of this issue. "There's definitely a problem there with girls who run away from the Assessment Center and end up being trafficked" said Sgt. Ray Kelly, Alameda County Sheriff's Office spokesperson. "We end up having to take multiple reports of juveniles running away."
Dispatch records obtained from the Hayward Police Department confirm Kelly's observation. From June 2014 through June 2016, more than three-hundred distinct missing-persons incidents were reported to Hayward police related to the address of the Assessment Center.
"All law enforcement know the center is known to pimps, and they're saying the system is broken and they don't understand why the Assessment Center is letting kids go like this," Popov said.
Officials with the Alameda County Social Services Agency told the Express they can't comment on individual cases or allegations because of privacy concerns. They said, however, that they have become increasingly aware of the dangerous neighborhood that now surrounds the Assessment Center. Now, they would like to relocate the facility. But they stressed that, in the meantime, the law prohibits them from locking youth inside the facility or physically stopping them from leaving — not without a court order.
Lori Cox, the executive director of ACSSA, said that back in the early 2000s, when they were searching for a location for the center, they zeroed in on north Hayward for a number of reasons. It was a central location in the county, it wasn't in the middle of a residential area where neighbors would likely oppose a welfare facility, and the building was large enough to also house service providers who could screen children for psychological and health problems and offer services.
Changes in the neighborhood took Cox and her agency by surprise. "Up until April or May, we didn't know there was a huge presence [of sex workers and clients] at the hotel down the street," Cox said, referring to one of several hotels on Mission and Foothill Boulevards. "The sheriff's office first made us aware of Foothill."
It is unclear why Hayward police never alerted county officials, even though records show the department has received hundreds of reports of crimes at nearby hotels, including assault, domestic violence, robbery, and sex crimes against children. The Hayward police did not respond to phone calls and emails.
A KPIX TV report on the Assessment Center from this past September included video of the motel where Popov's daughter was taken and trafficked. The news team observed dozens of young women accompanying men into the motel's rooms, or being driven away in cars and returning hours later.
Law-enforcement officials believe the presence of the nearby hotels and the proximity of the facility to the county's major prostitution "tracks" along East 14th and High streets in Oakland are good reasons to relocate.
"You've got to have the center at a different location that is truly secret and more than a ten-minute drive away from the home track," said one former special victims' investigator with an East Bay law-enforcement agency.
Kids taken to the Assessment Center often run away, and state law prevents its workers from physically stopping them.
"Youth do have rights," Cox reminded. "It would require a court hearing for a judge to determine a child is a danger to their self or others in order to detain them."
Michelle Love, the director of Alameda County's Children and Family Services, which directly oversees the Assessment Center, explained that staffers themselves call the police whenever a child leaves. "Sometimes they come back," she said. "Staff have gone with them, following them to try to get them to come back," she said. Love added that in many cases the runaways are the same kids leaving multiple times and being brought back.
Cox and Love stressed that the center's staff do everything in their power to prevent youth from leaving the facility, and to protect them. They also said the assessment center model, for all its flaws, is far superior to the old system. According to Cox, before the center was opened, social workers often kept youth in their cars, or in office cubicles, sometimes for hours, or even overnight, while trying to find a foster home that would accept their client.
"We saw it as a disservice to kids that had already been traumatized, so we asked ourselves what could we do to minimize further trauma," Cox said.
The county also brought in an advocate from Motivating, Inspiring, Supporting & Serving Sexually Exploited Youth, or MISSEY, in 2010 to serve as an advocate.
And the facility is locked to outsiders. For years, it was even guarded by private security. Earlier this year, after learning about how north Hayward has become more dangerous, the Social Services Administration replaced the security guards with two sheriff's deputies. Cox and Love said that their agency worked with the sheriff's office to bring in deputies who understand the challenges involved in caring for youth.
Yet the kids still escape. And it's clear to everyone that a move is the only solution.
"It's on the table," said Cox. But she cautioned that finding an optimal new location will be difficult. "It's a process, but it's underway."
Johannes Ayres
Jan 18
to Joanne,
For the record, since you asked me to define "marginalize" the other day (I assume
you recognized t as one of the terms that would come up at Stanford because it falls under the heading Cognitive Dissonance: which is the current model used by Sapolosky and the Neuro-Science community these days) Robert Sapolsk has agreed to a video deposition in Brittany Harris vs Telecare et al, making him an important member of Metaversal Mental Health Care Advocates Group which counts as it's members Joanne McGuffin, Alec Henderson (my attorneyApril Dawn Steve Wilt and Brittany is in fact the groups anywho, Cognitive Dissonance is a form of stress that is generated in the human brain whenever facts arise that challenge the brains perception of reality. The brain, wehen faced with such facts in essence weigghs the two realities in order to decide if there is overwhelming evidence inn favor of the new reality. Brain's are uncomfortable with two opposing realities.....since realities are our basis for everything we do, are ...etc.
when overwhelming evidence is clear we change from the old view to the new view. If it fails to convince, we snap back to the old view.....but what about the facts that made us question the old paradigm in the first place.... the brain, all brains, "marginalize those facts.....the brains trie to convince it self the facts aren't really facts...unforunately when these facts are human beings the brain marginalizes them by labeling them, seperating them from other human beings... the most common are....those people,the mentally ill, homeless, you know the people Jesus was looking after....The Meek, the disenfranchised.... brains feel better about themselves when people become statistics... now on a personal level (as well as a legal level....the restraining order presents a reality that is not consistent with who I am, so if you choose to believe in it's reality, then the marginalized facts are, of course...Brittany and Johannes.....I cannot be both a kind and caring, intelligent person who has made it his life's work to help the marginalized and an abusive, mentally unstable, manipulative,criminal at the same you experience the cognitive dissonance stress which of course is my fault.....
ohannes Ayres
Jan 30
to Joanne, Robert
Thank you for your quick response to the situation, this is in fact, the correct TRO that I had requested. Mom and I had been talking for a least a week about my obtaining this and last night after traveling to pleasant hill bart, she said it would have to wait until tomorrow (today) so you can imagine when she showed up this morning without it.....well I, of course, waited for sometime for her to go back to get it, and she returned half hour later with two copies of the wrong one...I was still being patient, but at this time she appeared angry and said she she could not waste anymore time on this, and that I should return tomorrow. Admittedly, I fell for this clear attempt at provocation and projection (as it was also my time being wasted) but to my surprise, she spotted a man in front of the BART Station and went from anger at me 180 degrees to acting as if she was somehow frightened of me.She got out of the car and I knew she was going straight to find a BART policeman.....this was awesome to see, because she wasn't even basing this on my non re-action, she even said later she was afraid of how I was going to react, not how I reacted. This was amazing in this was the exact same thing as on August 15th that she told the police woman.....that she was afraid of how I was going to react when she told Brittany and I we had to
leave her house....she even started the conversation with the w.c. police woman with the statement "this is my son and his friend who have been staying with me and I am afraid of how they will react when I tell them they have to there someone at the police department who can tell them for me....." Brittany and I were in shock as this is the first we had heard her say this (and while I knew she was under stress and that we had made a mistake by excepting her invitation, Brittany was hearing it for the first time..... and the Cop* was so offended at the idea that these two people were hearing about it in this manner that she too everyones suprise literally
at mom that "The Police are not here to do the dirty work for people who can't take responsibility for things they should do for themselves. If you tell them to leave and they respond badly, THEN you call the police!." Mom says now her interpretation of that was the cop was telling her to be responsible and call the police. I feel like i have just wasted more time righting this, because I already said this to you three months ago, two months ago, a month ago.....and each time you say you feel i am threatening you by explaining ....
sooo just go to page 13 and 14 and note that not only is everything a lie, on page 13 but on page 14 molly says that she personally witnessed everything on page 13 . This i think you will agree is the death knell for not only the entire document but also explains the heinous manipulation that occurred while I was falsely jailed for eight hours by the very same officer who yelled at mom a half hour earlier....this is what we talked about in the police car..... she said she had included all the information about the first interaction in the report for second interaction....and just as she had promised...I was not only released 8 hours later but the judge dismissed the whole incident because of this....during those 8 hours brittany was told by mom to go back to oakland, to the place I had spent the previous four months getting her out of, with full knowledge of the horrors that would await her if she was to return..Molly at that time was actually at mom's house, altering the garage to appear as if it was the scene of a her made up testimony..How do I know this....she answered my phone call from jail and told me! She also said she was personally was going to destroy my art work, CD's and Magazines...which she followed through on .....and to top it off, she made it clear the next day when I saw her that she had found Mom's car keys and disposed off them in order to blame me for that..... I understand from Bob, that she was dissapointed when she didn't get to present that to the judge.....all of this, I told bob numerous times only to have him personally threaten me "that Molly is gonna kick your ass because you are a pussy! Well, we can certainly see were she learned to be such a hater....."
* it was also in the high 90’s, the COP who had been stopped by mom was on her her way to a call somewhere else, and was now standing in the direct sunlight and mom was not getting to the point…..
Robert Ayres
Apr 27
to me
Bob Ayres
Talent OR 97520
going criminal abuse on your part..
Johannes Ayres
May 12
So here it is, mid-may, and your conditions for my receiving Mom's aid for housing are, as usual, impossible , and clearly you expect me to react the way you think I will, which you then will label "harassing" and "threatening" when i am simply am voicing my disagreement, as you did in April, when at the Jack n the Box in W.C., when i told you i still know that you are manipulating Mom through control of my communication with her...your personality flipped in a manner consistent with someone in deep psychological denial, and you said in a threatening way (so much so the restaurant called the police on you) that i didn't have the financial ability to oppose you, as you were in control of my finances (this is the exact kind of psychological abuse you have been projecting on me for the last 9 months) you then drove off to avoid the police, leaving my computer and personal belongings in the the Box parking lot without informing me you had done so... By the way, i think its interesting that every thing i just said is not only true, but provable and witnessed, while your entire case for justifying your criminal abuse is based on one lie after another. This is why you are denying me due process in court or otherwise, your lies will not stand up in the light of day...that's why they call it "the Shadow" much longer are you going to play this out? the mounting damages are beyond your ability to take responsibility for...
You are now doing everything you accused me of in your illegally obtained wont even meet with a trAined mediator 3rd party you said you would
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